The United States Agency for International Development - USAID - again stressed its support for state to state exchanges for border legislators and state attorneys general through an agreement with The Council of State Governments.
USAID in its weekly report April 22 reported that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott signed a memorandum of understanding with Nuevo Leon State Attorney General Luisa Carlos Trevino committing the two to hold periodic meetings and initiate programs to train law enforcement in all stages of investigation and prosecution of criminal cases.
Trevino was receivd on the floor of the Texas State Senate by members of the Border Legislative Conference, USAID reported. The BLC is a joint program of the Council of State Governments-WEST and its regional partner in the South, the Southern Legislative Conference, aimed at enhancing collaboration and communication among state legislators of the United States and Mexico.
The agreement between Texas and Nuevo Leon, USAID reported, permits the creation of joint task forces to combat human trafficking and crimes against children. The pact supports continued information sharing between the two attorneys general.